Why Do Ingredients Matter?
When your pet gets groomed, their fur and skin is exposed to various ingredients that are in the grooming products and these can have a direct impact and indirect impact on their fur and skin as well as their liver, kidney and even their endocrine system. Dogs and cats (just like humans) tend to absorb chemicals through their skin, which are in turn filtered through the liver.
On the surface, these harsh chemicals can strip your pet’s skin and coat of the oils naturally produced by their body. While the effect of this may not be obvious in just one wash, over time you will see the over all effect it has. Your pet’s coat and skin will start to feel dry and rough shortly after bath day. For some animal’s, you might see inflamed or irritable skin.
Internally, harsh chemicals can have irreversible effects. Our pet’s absorb a lot of chemicals through their skin, and depending on the toxicity of the ingredients, they can have an impact on their liver, kidney, and endocrine system. These toxic ingredients will build up in your pet’s body until there is a tipping point, and when it reaches this threshold, the effects of them cannot be reversed.
So, it’s very important that you look into your dog’s grooming products right from puppy hood to give them the best care they deserve.
Natural grooming and topical products are best suited for your pet’s skin. They are usually made from natural, naturally derived, organic ingredients. Which means that are they safe and healthy for your pet, and you don’t have to stress about your pet being exposed to harmful ingredients.
Making the switch to natural ingredients is not difficult but the impact it will have on your pet’s health are many fold. So go out and find that safer alternative for your furbaby today!