What’s The Big Deal With Tick & Flea Medications?

What’s The Big Deal With Tick & Flea Medications?

What’s The Big Deal With Tick & Flea Medications?

We have two Rough Collies; their grooming and general health have always been on top of our list. After all, they are the reason why The Modern Tail was born. We understand that ticks & fleas are one of the biggest health risks pet parents deal with. Although there are dozens of preventive measures available in the market, deciding what the right thing to do for our pets is the biggest challenge.

All pet parents at some point or even still use Tick & Flea control products with pesticides in them, we have also used it in the past and we understand that sometimes it’s unavoidable.

Let’s understand this a bit deeper. While all veterinary prescribed pesticides must be FDA-approved, many now come with warning labels highlighting the risks, including Bravecto®, Nexgard®, Simparica®, Simparica Trio®, Credelio®, and Revolution Plus®. These products are all Isoxazoline compounds and have been linked to muscle tremors, ataxia, seizures, and death from adverse reactions. These chemicals work by inhibiting GABA- and glutamategated chloride channels, leading to hyper-excitation and death of the flea or tick. In one study, 66% of owners reported adverse reactions to using these products on their pets.

Animals eliminate veterinary pesticide residues from their bodies by detoxification, a natural body process of removing waste products and toxins. There are 5 organs that are important for detoxification, including the colon, skin, lungs, kidney, and liver. Your animal’s liver is especially important for metabolizing flea and tick chemical residues.

After learning the risks of chemical-based tick & flea products, we made our own organic and plant-derived products. It has been the best preventive measure we took for our animals. If you wish to make the change, please check our Tick & Flea range.

If you must use any of the pesticide-based flea and tick products, we recommend supporting your animal’s detoxification mechanism. This will not only reduce the potential adverse reactions but also reduce the possible long term immunologic consequences of recurrent pesticide application down the road.

Here are 4 ingredients that can help supplement the detoxification process:

  1. Curcumin: Famously found in turmeric or 'haldi.' Lakadong turmeric tends to have a higher concentration of curcumin. A good source to add this is making 'Golden Paste' (stay tuned for the recipe!)
  2. Broccoli Sprouts: These contain sulforaphane which helps process toxic elements. You can buy these online or sprout them at home.
  3. Milk Thistle: This helps protect the liver, stimulates the repair of damaged liver cells, and assists with detoxification.
  4. Dandelion Root: Is highly nutritious and loaded with Vitamins (A, C, and K), and Minerals (Iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium). It is rich in inulin which helps maintain healthy bacterial flora. It’s antioxidants prevent the negative effect of free radicals in the body and also have a diuretic effect that detoxifies organs.

Depending on the load of toxins your furbaby is exposed to, you can detox them every 1-2 months. This will help cleanse their body, reduce toxin build-up, and keep them healthy in the long run!